5 rules of conduct for a successful school trip to Berlin

Are you planning a school trip to Berlin and want to ensure that everything runs smoothly? In this article, you will find the most important rules of conduct that you should follow as a teacher, student or parent in order to experience an unforgettable and harmonious journey.

Watch the video: Code of conduct for a school trip

Here you can find out which rules should be observed on a school trip so that students and teachers can enjoy their school trip and parents can send their children on a journey with a clear conscience.

Respect the rules

A school trip requires clear rules to create a pleasant and safe environment for all participants. These rules should not be seen as a restriction but as a guide for a relaxing trip. Follow the school guidelines and the teacher's instructions to avoid misunderstandings and to make the most of your time together.

Punctuality is essential

Punctuality is crucial in order to comply with the planned daily routine. Always be on time at the agreed meeting points, whether it's the start of an excursion, a sightseeing tour, or the departure of the bus. Delays can not only disrupt the schedule, but also make other participants wait unnecessarily.

A good rule of thumb: Always set aside a bit more time than you think to avoid unforeseen delays.

Team spirit and solidarity

A class trip is the perfect opportunity to strengthen team spirit in class. Support your classmates and make sure no one is excluded. Students who may not be part of your close circle of friends in particular should be integrated into the activities. This is the only way for the entire class to benefit from the trip and create wonderful memories together.

Respect for others

Courtesy and respect are important not only within the group, but also towards other people and the environment. Whether on public transportation, restaurants, or museums, make sure that your behaviour doesn't disturb anyone. Respectful treatment is essential, particularly at culturally significant places such as memorials.

Safety comes first

Compliance with safety rules is essential on a school trip. Whether on the road or exploring sights, your safety comes first. Follow the instructions of teachers and supervisors, as they are there to protect you. Avoid risky behaviour and always follow the agreed safety precautions.

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Your school trip with SchoolRallye

With these rules of conduct, you are well-prepared to experience an unforgettable and safe school trip to Berlin. Would you like to experience a unique activity that strengthens team spirit and enables learning through play? Then discover our city treasure hunt “Spy & Escape at the Berlin Wall.” Solve exciting puzzles, follow clues, and dive into the history of the GDR — a captivating mission based on true events.

Check appointments now and make your trip to Berlin even more memorable!