Apply for travel allowance for a school trip to Berlin - how does that work?

The Federal Council offers school groups travelling to Berlin by bus or train a subsidy to cover travel expenses. But how can you apply for this travel allowance? And what requirements must be met for a school trip to be subsidized?

Apply for travel allowance for your school trip to Berlin!

In this video, find out which requirements you must meet to apply for a travel allowance for your school trip to Berlin and how you can calculate how much the potential travel allowance will be for your school class!

How to apply for travel allowance for your school trip to Berlin

Are you planning a school trip to Berlin but are worried about travel expenses? Did you know that the Federal Council offers a travel allowance if certain conditions are met? In this article, you'll find out which requirements must be met and how you can use the travel expense calculator to see how much you'll get back.

Who can apply for the travel allowance?

School and youth groups who visit Berlin by bus or train to participate in the Federal Council's political education program can apply for a travel allowance. It is important that students are at least in the 9th grade, between 14 and 25 years old and not yet employed. The group must consist of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 50 people. Each federal state has a limited number of places and if more registrations are received, the draw will be decided.

Which requirements must be met?

In order to receive the subsidy, the group must attend an information session at the Federal Council. This can be a role-playing game or a plenary session and must last at least 90 minutes. In addition, another state policy information session on democracy building must be attended in Berlin. This includes, for example, a visit to one of 18 different institutions such as the Federal President's Office, the Federal Government or certain museums and memorials.

How do I prepare for the visit?

Before visiting, the group should learn the most important basic knowledge about the Federal Council and federalism. The extent of this preparation is up to each group. Information materials can be downloaded free of charge from the Federal Council website.

Who does not receive a subsidy?

Individuals, groups traveling by car, or if another group from the same school has already received a subsidy in the same year, are excluded from funding. Applications can be submitted online at and must be submitted within a short period of time at the beginning of autumn.

Use the travel cost calculator!

To find out how much your subsidy would be, we have developed a travel cost calculator. Just visit and enter the details of your class trip to get an estimate of the reimbursable costs.

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Experience Berlin with our SchoolRallye!

While you're in Berlin, why not also try out our exciting puzzle tour “Spy and Escape at the Berlin Wall”? This city puzzle allows you to playfully and interactively experience the history of the GDR, the Berlin Wall and the Stasi. You will solve tricky puzzles based on true events and learn a lot about life in the GDR and the history of Berlin's division. Our tour not only offers educational content, but also lots of fun and exercise in the fresh air.

Calculate travel allowance now and discover Berlin with our SchoolRallye!

Apply for travel allowance for a school trip to Berlin - how does that work?

The Federal Council offers school groups travelling to Berlin by bus or train a subsidy to cover travel expenses. But how can you apply for this travel allowance? And what requirements must be met for a school trip to be subsidized?

Apply for travel allowance for your school trip to Berlin!

In this video, find out which requirements you must meet to apply for a travel allowance for your school trip to Berlin and how you can calculate how much the potential travel allowance will be for your school class!

How to apply for travel allowance for your school trip to Berlin

Are you planning a school trip to Berlin but are worried about travel expenses? Did you know that the Federal Council offers a travel allowance if certain conditions are met? In this article, you'll find out which requirements must be met and how you can use the travel expense calculator to see how much you'll get back.

Who can apply for the travel allowance?

School and youth groups who visit Berlin by bus or train to participate in the Federal Council's political education program can apply for a travel allowance. It is important that students are at least in the 9th grade, between 14 and 25 years old and not yet employed. The group must consist of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 50 people. Each federal state has a limited number of places and if more registrations are received, the draw will be decided.

Which requirements must be met?

In order to receive the subsidy, the group must attend an information session at the Federal Council. This can be a role-playing game or a plenary session and must last at least 90 minutes. In addition, another state policy information session on democracy building must be attended in Berlin. This includes, for example, a visit to one of 18 different institutions such as the Federal President's Office, the Federal Government or certain museums and memorials.

How do I prepare for the visit?

Before visiting, the group should learn the most important basic knowledge about the Federal Council and federalism. The extent of this preparation is up to each group. Information materials can be downloaded free of charge from the Federal Council website.

Who does not receive a subsidy?

Individuals, groups traveling by car, or if another group from the same school has already received a subsidy in the same year, are excluded from funding. Applications can be submitted online at and must be submitted within a short period of time at the beginning of autumn.

Use the travel cost calculator!

To find out how much your subsidy would be, we have developed a travel cost calculator. Just visit and enter the details of your class trip to get an estimate of the reimbursable costs.

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Experience Berlin with our SchoolRallye!

While you're in Berlin, why not also try out our exciting puzzle tour “Spy and Escape at the Berlin Wall”? This city puzzle allows you to playfully and interactively experience the history of the GDR, the Berlin Wall and the Stasi. You will solve tricky puzzles based on true events and learn a lot about life in the GDR and the history of Berlin's division. Our tour not only offers educational content, but also lots of fun and exercise in the fresh air.

Calculate travel allowance now and discover Berlin with our SchoolRallye!